Don’t have a tractor, but want to disk some ground? (Disc, whatever you like.)
We’ve developed the Hydra Disk, an ultra heavy duty hydraulic adjustable disk harrow for your skid steer. Thick extreme duty disks and an overbuilt chassis make sure the push and pull from being on the front of your Compact Track Loader (CTL) doesn’t bend or tweak any components.
Now you can achieve good ground penetration and minimal compaction in tighter spaces than a 3-Point setup on a tractor can reach. 3-Point hitch mounting on the front end is available upon request so you can use it with both your skid and tractor should you need.
Please Note: While our skid steer disk is extremely heavy duty and well built, please keep in mind that, compared to a pull behind or 3pt disk, the frame mounts to the center of the disk and with the skid, you can create immense down pressure. While that is great for penetration, it can bend or break a disk, spacer or even a shaft if you hit something hidden below the ground that has no give or forgiveness. This type of damage is not covered under warranty. Should this occur, you could spend $200-$500 on parts and freight for repairs. In adverse conditions, it is extremely important that you are mindful of your surroundings. Our warranty covers the structural frame and hydraulics.